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          China's official PMI surges to 50.8 in March, returning to expansion territory in 6 months

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          福建再发高温橙色预警 今起三天依然是高温天气

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          福建70位富豪财富超20亿 施至成家族成闽商首富

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          'Red tourism' gains momentum across nation during Qingming Festival holidays

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          福建受“海贝思”影响 直接经济损失6.75亿元

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          福建建筑企业发生死亡事故 暂扣安全生产许可证

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          Armenia should deepen friendly exchanges with China, learn from Chinese modernization experience

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          受南昌持续大暴雨影响 4趟涉闽动车今日临时停运

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          福建 :到2020年确保每个社区配1至2名专业社工

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